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Q. I have misconfigured my Org Name/email/some other info? What can I do to correct it?

When you spin up a droplet with vitalpointz IOT Core/Core Lite, you will be asked to enter the details such as org name and email id. The instance is created with the name you have provided. There is no way you can edit these basic info. Please destroy the droplet and recreate afresh.

Q. I am unable to login to IOT Core/Core Lite web portal. What to do?

Try clicking on Forgot Password Link to retrieve your password. If your web UI shows errors even if you provide right login credentials, click ‘Trouble Logging in?’ link. This will generate a support ticket to vitalpointz managed services team. We will check your instance and reach out to you.

Q. How do I access my droplet?

You would have created the droplet in DigitalOcean with your SSH key. You will have corresponding Private Key in your laptop or VM from where you want to access the droplet. Following command will give secure CLI access to your droplet.


ssh -i your_priv.key root@IP_Address

Q. I have said ‘yes’ to monitoring of my IOT Core instance. Does this mean vitalpointz employees can access my droplet remotely?


No one can access your droplet without your SSH private key. Please keep your private key safe and secure.

Q. What exactly is monitored when I allow during installation?

We collect performance data such as CPU, RAM and I/O utilization, uptime of various containers and processes.

We do NOT collect user identity, device data, Rules and your code written inside hosted NodeRED tool.

Q. What is VESPA?

VESPA stands for Vitalpointz Edge Service Platform Agent. They are device agents that run on IOT Devices, Gateways etc.


Q. What are the variants of VESPA available?

Agent software comes in following variants:

VESPA-L : Linux variant, Runs as a user process in Linux

VESPA-G : Gateway variant available in 2 editions. As an appliance and as virtual box image

VESPA-U: Microcontroller variant, available as arduino sketches and Node-RED flows that simulate IOT devices.

VESPA-A: Android variant

Q. Is VESPA open source?

We are committed to make our VESPA open source as much as possible. Currently,

Following agent variants are Open sourced under MIT license.

VESPA-U and Device simulators that run on NodeRED.

Q. Is there a way to simulate one or many devices?

Yes. It is possible to simulate one or many devices. In fact, this is the best way to learn device authentication procedure and how vitalpointz IOT Core treats devices.

Our simulators are open sourced under MIT license. They are runnable under NodeRED.

You need to install a NodeRED in you VM or laptop, import the flows and follow the steps provided.

Q. How do I download the VESPA software / simulators?

Log into your droplet that runs vitalpointz IOT Core/Core Lite. Add Device under Device Tab.

Click ‘download image’ menu under Device panel. This will open a separate page or start to download the image depending on the variant.

Q. Is my IOT Core/Core Lite web portal secured? Do I need to provide my own certificate?

Your instance of IOT Core/IOT Core Lite Web UI is secured by Letsencrypt certificate. You do not need to purchase or bring your own certificate.

Q. Do I need to configure DNS or Letsencrypt myself?

No. When you spin up a droplet with vitalpointz IOT Core/Core Lite, automatically a subdomain is created, and DNS configured appropriately. Let’sencrypt certificates are generated and provisioned on your instance. So, you do not need to do anything.

Q. Do I need to renew Let’sencrypt certificates manually?

No. Certificate renewal is automatically done. So, you do not need to do anything.


Q. I see my webUI is protected using letsencrypt certificate. It expires in less than few months. How is the certificate renewed?

Letsencrypt certificate pertaining to your domain is automatically renewed and downloaded in to your droplet with the service from vMIST service. (vitalpointz Managed IoT Service).


Q. What is vMIST and what does it do for me?

vMIST is a centralized service that provides following service to every IoT Core / Core Lite droplet spin up by customer.

- When a IoT Core/Core Lite is installed on a new droplet, Access URL is created, registered with DNS service.

- A New Letsencrypt certificate is registered and certificate downloaded into the droplet

- Periodically letsencrypt certificate is checked for expiry and if expiry is near by, certifiacate is renewed

- Provides and maintaines space for customer droplet to store and restore the IoT Core/Core Lite data

- Upon request, provides SSH Keys (Private and Public) for each droplet. This is useful for end customer to request remote debug/support session securely with vitalpointz support team

- Remote Monitoring service that provides vitalpointz managed service team a performance statistics of customer droplet

- Software update service for IoT Core/Core Lite instances

Note: Subscription to vMIST Service is mandatory and free. vMIST service runs as part of vitalpointz service offering and does not require additional purchase of resource from digitalocean by customer.



About vitalpointz,Inc

vitalpointz is a software maker that specializes on developing and offering IOT platform softwares & services. IOT Devices and sensors can be registered on the IOT Platform and on-boarded securely. IOT devices can send or receive data securely, application can be built, Over-the Air software updates can be rolled out to the devices at scale. Vitalpointz IOT Platform also provides various interface methods to transfer the data to external third-party tools and platforms, if so desired. Vitalpointz IOT Platform also bundles various device agents.

For more information about our product please check our product documentation here.

If you have any enquires, reach out to us via email :